關於thames river的評價,
I was rescued today!! Thankq to wonderful James and his friends, who gallantly rowed me across the r...
I was rescued today!! Thankq to wonderful James and his friends, who gallantly rowed me across the r...
I was rescued today!! Thankq to wonderful James and his friends, who gallantly rowed me across the r...
#azurlane #Belfast The Noble Attendant The days w...
姐姐即將滿13歲 也即將超越我167cm的高度🙈 最近只要突然跟她平視對看時 都會覺得很不真實😂😂😂...
Established in 1615, the Anchor Bankside occupies ...
在泰晤士河邊看到台灣的驕傲! 不知道台灣媒體有沒有報導這件事,但當我在河邊散步看到ㄧ幅幅台灣國...
「倫敦跨年煙火」London New Year's Eve Fireworks 去年的最後1分鐘,大...
泰 晤 士 河 。 River Thames. ...
「大笨鐘前最漫長的一小時」1 Hour at Big Ben - ビッグ・ベンの1時間 一大早來到大...
Taggs Island船屋 私人島,响泰晤士河上游,好多鹿嘅Richmond Park對面,仲要...